Bring Someone You Love to your community by hosting a screening in a venue of your choice!
Licenses are only $5 per person (min. 10 people) and never more than $300 for an unlimited size audience. You can even charge admission for your fundraising needs!
Hosting screenings of Someone You Love is incredibly fun and rewarding. Some say it's even life changing... :)
You handle the venue (a school, library, community center, etc.) and we ship you the film before your screening!
We'll even help you promote your event by listing it on our website and social media. We'll also give you all the tools you need to promote your event with press releases, banners, etc.
Think about it, in every screening a life can be saved and you can be part of that! Read the testimonials from screenings around the country and you'll see the impact this film is having on viewers everywhere.
Also, every person who attends your screening will receive 50% OFF a digital copy of the film so they can watch it at home and share it with their family after the screening! (a feedback form with a working email must be returned for each attendee to receive a 50% OFF coupon code).
Join us! And let's make a difference!

I don't have access to a venue, how can I help?
If you don't have access to a venue and/or an audience, but you'd still like to help promote the film and save lives, you can:
1. Sponsor screenings for hosts who have access to a venue and an audience but can't afford the licensing fee. It's very affordable and you or your company will be recognized as the official sponsor for the event. You can even participate in a Q&A after the film if you have the medical expertise to do so. Just Click Here to get started.
2. Sponsor online views of the film and distribute redemption codes to your friends, patients, customers, students or community members so they can watch the film at home for free!
I want to host a screening, but I can't afford the licensing fee?
We made the licensing fee for a public screening as low as possible. It's only $5 per attendee with a minimum of 10 attendees to start. But if you simply have no budget for it and you have access to a venue and an audience that could benefit from the film, we can try and match you with a sponsor to pay for the licensing fee.
Should we succeed in matching you with a sponsor, you'll have to make sure they are being recognized as the official sponsor for the event and are invited to participate in a Q&A after the film. Don't worry, you'll still have final approval on accepting who sponsors your event.
If this all sounds great, just Click Here to get started by telling us about your plans for screening the film.
What constitutes a public performance?
Any exhibition of a movie outside the privacy of a home setting is considered a public performance.
Do we need a license even if we don’t charge admission?
Yes! A license is required for all public performances regardless of whether admission is charged.
What if I purchased a digital copy, can I screen it to the public?
The digital copies we sell are for home use only. They are not licensed for public screening.
Who bears the responsibility if a film is shown without a license?
The management of the venue or premises where the movie is shown bears the ultimate responsibility and consequences of copyright infringement. However, anyone involved with the public performance of copyrighted material should seek compliance.
I own the movie. Do I still need a license to show it outside my home?
Yes. Neither the rental, purchase or lending of a videocassette or DVD carries with it the right to exhibit movies outside the home.
A small group is having an informal gathering in our facility. Do we still need a license?
Yes! A license needs to be obtained regardless of the number of people attending the screening, if the movie is being shown outside your home.
How many days can I show the movie?
Screening licenses are for a one-day rental. For each additional consecutive day shown, a new license should be obtained. Site licenses allow you to screen the film as many times as you like to the public at the physical address licensed.